Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Photoshop Tutorial | Creating a "Brush" Watermark

I just wanted to share a tutorial on how to create your own watermark in Photoshop and save it as a brush to layer over your photos.

Step 1:  File>New document and choose your dimensions, name it and at the bottom make sure your background contents are selected as TRANSPARENT.

Step 2: Next Select the 'T' for Text  in your tools side bar. 

Set your font, size and centering to your taste, located at the top of the screen. Be sure to also select what color text you want. My default was set to white which is hard to see...but remember you are layering this over photos, so what color do you want? I did black because I can change the color later as I brush it onto each photo.

Step 3: Next Click File>Save As>Photoshop (*.PSD; *.PDD) and name your file so you can find it later. (Saving it as a PSD file ensure that transparent background stays that way.)

Step 4:  Reopen your newly saved file under File>Open

Step 5: Once opened, go under Edit> Define Brush Preset> Name it and press OK.

Step 6: Open a new photo that you wish to brush this new watermark onto under File>Open>then pictures (or where ever you have them located)

Step 7: Under your tool bar select brush tool (not art history tool or history brush tool...but BRUSH TOOL)  and at the top of the screen scroll through your brushes until you find your saved one. It was the last one in my case. Select the size and color you wish. (I selected 2500px, mode: Normal and 100% Opacity.)

Step 8: Now the last part...on your tools click the background color (top one) to the color you wish...either black or white, press ok.

Now select where you would like to brush it on and click to set it down onto your picture. I usually do this step last in my editing...once all my layers are merged...

Create a new layer (ctrl +J) that way it can be removed it if I don't like the placement, size or coloring.

Under your layers you can play with the opacity...or select normal, soft light, hard light..etc. Play with it.

And there you have it!


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